Our Story

Live Action is a global human rights movement dedicated to ending abortion and building a culture of life.

Live Action was started in 2003, by 15-year-old Lila Rose, in her family’s living room. From there, Lila worked with friends to give pro-life presentations exposing the reality of what abortion does to the preborn child. A few years later, in 2006, Lila started undercover investigations while studying at UCLA.



In 2008, Live Action became a non-partisan, non-profit organization. With the help of a few friends, Lila created and produced the first nationally televised undercover investigation of the abortion industry.

Now, Live Action exists to shift public opinion on abortion and help form a culture of life. By publishing daily reports on stories the mainstream media often refuses to cover, Live Action educates followers on the reality of the abortion industry and its efforts to dehumanize babies and exploit women. These exposés often come from Live Action’s hard-hitting investigations that uncover the lies, abuses, and cover-ups of the abortion industry. These undercover investigations have revealed the abortion industry providing sex-selective abortions of preborn girls, covering up the sexual abuse of minors and sex trafficking, accepting racially-motivated donations, disseminating medical misinformation, participating in infanticide and other wrongs towards women and children.

Through these investigations and reports, Live Action inspires and activates 7.1 million followers to fight for the protection of babies and mothers from abortion. Live Action continually works to form a culture of life where national leaders and pro-life activists are inspired and equipped with the necessary tools to abolish abortion in their lifetime.

Join us as we fight for life!